WPR developed a strategic communication platform for Nelson Forests (now OneFortyOne) that was genuine, authentic and truly represented who they were as a company.
Working off this platform, Nelson Forests was able to engage with their people and the Nelson/Marlborough community.
Extra care was taken in crafting messages which were on point and most easily relatable for the company’s staff.
The overall objective of the programme was to create engagement with the community so that they got to know Nelson Forests as the organisation truly was, as opposed to what they were initially perceived to be based on negative press and sensationalist reporting.
Nelson Forests were happy to attest to the fact that their objectives were well and truly achieved.
Jacquie developed a strategic communication platform for Nelson Forests that was
Lees Seymour, former Managing Director, Nelson Forests
genuine, authentic and truly represented who we were as a company. This platform
engaged our people and engaged the Nelson/Marlborough community. The messages
were extremely well crafted, on point and most importantly our people would read them
and say “that’s us”. Jacquie has a hugely unique skill to listen, understand and then to
reflect back to those she is working the essence of their story in a manner that is truly
special. Trust between our people and Jacquie was earned and maintained – a very
difficult thing to do.