WPR / Case Study / General

Trusted advisors


WPR provides strategic communications advice to Taylors Contracting and its 150 staff based in Nelson Tasman, Christchurch, and Wellington. With a seat at the business’ weekly operational leadership team meeting and regular one-on-one strategy meetings with CEO Charlie Taylor, WPR’s Principal Jacquie Walters is a trusted advisor for Taylors Contracting. 

Game-changing tools

In 2023 WPR delivered two new exciting initiatives for Taylors – its inaugural Year In Review report (a 52-page showcase of the business’ projects, people, and culture) and its first ever Culture Review (with one-on-one interviews with one third of the total workforce). 

The Year In Review magazine has been a game-changing tool for business development and requests for proposal, informing clients about Taylors’ expertise and innovative approach to problem-solving, ‘lifting the lid’ on the business’ culture and approach to health and safety and environmental stewardship. Team members report being proud to give people a copy of the magazine. 

Recommendations from the Culture Review have positively impacted on all areas of the business, including health and safety, internal communication, and team culture. People within the business used the review process to raise concerns, suggest ideas, and truly reflect on the benefits of working with Taylors. The process improved morale and engagement which has been reflected in staff retention and recruitment.

In addition, WPR produces a weekly internal newsletter for Taylors’ staff. This newsletter achieves remarkable readership rates averaging 75% (more than twice the industry average according to Mailchimp industry benchmarking).

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