Bringing an attitude that “There will always be a story, it’s up to us to decide whose it is” WPR worked across the Nelson/Tasman forestry sector to change what was its prevailing view that steering clear of the media was the best approach.
Within executive teams at companies such as Nelson Forests (now OneFortyOne) and Taylors Contracting, WPR identified and listened to stories within the business, pinpointed key messaging, and helped prepare personnel within the businesses for increasingly regular contact with the media.
In many ways WPR was ahead of the trend as the forest industry’s social licence was increasingly called to account by the wider community.
Using our deep understanding of the forestry sector and its people to spot the likely play of potential stories WPR provided insight into guiding the narrative both when celebrating the good stories, and dealing with emotionally charged moments under great adversity.
WPR’s networks across the various media agencies provided an invaluable conduit to the public in a range of situations, good and bad.
Jacquie would say “There will always be a story, it’s up to you to decide whose it is” and
David Robinson, (Nelson Forests and Taylors Contracting)
she really changed what was our prevailing view to steer clear of the media. Within our
executive team she provided us with scenarios, listened to our story, pinpointed our key
messaging, and helped us prepare for increasingly regular contact with the media. In
many ways she has been ahead of her time as latterly we have seen the forest industry
increasingly called to account for its social licence by the wider community.
With her deep understanding of the forestry sector and its people, and her intuitive
intellect in spotting the likely play of a story Jacquie has provided insight into guiding the
narrative both when celebrating the good stories, and dealing with emotionally charged
moments under great adversity.